About Garth

Welcome to Pawsitive Companions

I’m Garth. The heart and soul of pawsitive companions.
I live in Minneapolis Mn. with my three boys. The name
of my website is,”certipawsonline.com”. I created this
website to help those in need of information, direction
and support to obtain an ESA (emotional support animal)
letter for their pet. This letter allows the owner and
their pets accessibility where it would otherwise be
prohibitive. Emotional support animals can play a key
role in the health and well-being of their owners.

More than a pet

I’m an outdoor enthusiast. Running with the dog, hiking
biking etc; I grew up with every kind of pet imaginable.
I’m a pet lover for good reason. There were two significant
times in my life that had a profound impact on me.

My first experience

I raised a male chesepeak dog from a pup. We trained,ran
and wrestled together. We became fast friends. He was
my buddy. About that time I was going through a painful
divorce. I was alone for awhile. Just me and the dog.
Gibbons was his name. I was going through the loss and
loneliness. Of a depressing end of the end of a relationship.
Fortunately, Gibbons was there to cheer me up. His
unconditional love and comfort was what I needed. To heal
and to overcome my loss.

My sons’ experience

The second time was with my youngest son. When he
was nine he was friendless. Watching him struggle with
his loneliness was gut wrenching. He asked us for a dog.
so we took him to a rescue shelter. He picked out a new
friend. A one year old jack russell who he named Reese.
The change in him was amazing! He came to life! He
finally had a friend Later he became popular. But he
still has his buddy! So that little rescue dog, rescued us!
The support and emotional healing a pet can provide
its owner is invaluable. It was a huge factor in both
myself and my sons lives!

Lets connect- on a trail or online

Reach out through certipawsonline.com
share insights, stories and tips on our blog







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